SoFarm objectives

SoFarm objectives

The main project goal is to contribute to the spread and implementation of social and eco-social farming in Europe as a way towards sustainable agriculture and an inclusive society. The project aims to motivate farmers in doing social farming sustainably and effectively as a successful diversification of their work and income while including people from a disadvantaged background or with disabilities in the working process and social contact. 

Support of Social and Inclusive Farming, is an Erasmus+ programme, co financed by the European Union (KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education). The partnership is composed by MERIDAUNIA from Italy, Druziva, o.z. from Slovakia, PETRARCA - EUROP. AKADEMIE FUR LANDSCHAFTSKULTUR- DEUTSCHAND E.V. , form Germany,  INSTITUT EVROPSKÝCH PROFESNÍCH STUDIÍ, s.r.o. from Czech Republic  and STOWARZYSZENIE ARID, from Poland. 

The project

The project

The aim of the SOFARM: Supporting Social and Inclusive Farms project is to gain and exchange experience in the development of social farms and to motivate farmers to employ the socially disadvantaged in an effective and sustainable way. The project responds to the generally low awareness of social farms and the situation where these farms are not able to sustain themselves in the long term. The intention is therefore to give farmers the necessary knowledge and skills to create new social farms or to develop existing ones.

After initial research of the situation in each country through workshops and expert interviews, the project partners from the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Italy will focus on the project outputs, working together to produce case studies, educational materials and short videos that will be used to inform farmers and the general public.

The project consists of 6 main work packages, each divided into a series of specific activities which lead to the development of 5 main tangible results - educational material for social farmers, farmers of small and medium sizes, social service providers, educators in agriculture as well as social services etc. Apart from that, during the project, various transversal activities will be implemented, meetings organized and multiplication events will take place in each country.

For the Czech Republic, the partners are IEPS, which oversees the quality of the educational outputs and the production of short educational videos, and SoFarm, s.r.o., which supports social farmers in various ways and is the coordinator of the whole project.

The project is implemented within the Erasmus+ programme, in the KA2 – Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education area. The project consortium consists of the following organisations from 5 European countries:

  • SoFarm, s.r.o. (Czech Republic) – project coordinator
  • Institute of European Professional Studies, s.r.o. (Czech Republic) – partner
  • Petrarca- European Academy for Landscape Culture (Germany) – partner
  • Stowarzyszenie ARID (Poland) – partner
  • Druživa, o.z. (Slovakia) – partner
  • MERIDAUNIA (Italy) – partner
Project duration: 2 years, (10/2022-09/2024)

Project Number: 2022-1-CZ01-KA220-ADU-000089092
